Subtle Supplanters of Serious Sayings
  1. Similar sire; similar scion.
  2. Precipitancy creates prodigality.
  3. Tenants of vitreous abodes ought to hurl no lithoidal fragments.
  4. It is not proper for mendicants to be indicative of preferences.
  5. Compute not your immature gallinaceans prior to their being produced.
  6. It is fruitless to become lachrymose over scattered lacteal fluid.
  7. Cleave gramineous manner for fodder during the period that the orb of the day is refulgent.
  8. A feline possesses the power to contemplate a monarch.
  9. Pulchritude does not extend below the surface of the derma.
  10. Failure to be present causes the vital organ to become more enamored.
  11. Every article which coruscates is not fashioned from aureate metal.
  12. Freedom from guile or fraud constitutes the most excellent principle of procedure.
  13. Each canine passes through his period of preeminence.
  14. Consolidated you and I maintain ourselves erect; separated we defer to the law of gravity.
  15. You cannot estimate the value of the contents of a bound, printed narrative or record from its exterior vesture.
  16. Folks deficient in ordinary judgment scurryingly enter areas of which celestial beings dread to set foot.
  17. Liquid relish for the female anserine fowl is the individual condiment for the male.
  18. A feathered creature clasped in the manual members is equal in value to a brace in the bosky growth.
  19. The individual of the Class Aves, arriving before the appointed time, seizes the invertibrate animal of the Group Vernes.
  20. Socially oriented individuals tend to congregate in gregariously homogenius groups.
  21. One may address a member of the Equidae family toward aqueous liquid, but one is incapable of compelling him to quaff.
  22. Forever refrain from enumerating the dental projections of a bequested member of the Equidae family.
  23. One Pyrus Malus per diem restrains the arrival of the Hippocratic apostle.
  24. Fondness for notes of exchange constitutes the tuberous structure of all satanically-inspired principles.
  25. Supposing one primarily fails to be victorious, bend further efforts in that direction.
  26. Be adorned with the pedal encasement that gives comfort.
  27. Prudence and sagacity are the worthier condiments of intrepid courage.
  28. He who expresses merriment in finality expresses merriment excelling either in equal quality.
  29. A scrutinized vessel never exceeds 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
  30. A rotating lithoidal fragment never accrues lichen.