Albatross Mystery Books

401Arthur MillsBrighton Alibi1938
402J. M. WalshSpies never return
403David HumeBring 'Em Back Dead
404Gavin DouglasThe Tall Man
405J. Jefferson Farjeon Fancy Dress Ball
406Stephen MaddockConspirators in Capri
407Sydney Horler Lord of Terror
409Peter CheyneyThis man is dangerous
412David Hume Halfway to Hell
415Peter Cheyney Poison Ivy
418Dorothy L. Sayers Whose Body?1938
421Ethel Lina White Wax
423Gavin DouglasCaptain Samson, A.B.
425Dorothy L. SayersUnnatural Death1938
427J. Jefferson Farjeon Yellow Devil
429David HumeCemetery First Stop!
431Peter CheyneyDames Don't Care
433Ethel Lina WhiteThe First Time He Died
435David Hume Good-bye to life
437Berkeley GrayMr. Mortimer Gets the Jitters
439Sydney HorlerThe Ball of Fortune
441Arthur MillsJudgment of Death
David HumeThe Gaol Gates are Open